SEE Business Solutions Blog

Scooter Time

Jay Bolton
December 18, 2018
Posted December 18, 2018


Are you satisfied? There are so many things that are satisfying in life, however we tend to hear more about the pain points and negatives than positives. We tend to chase the stereo-typically satisfying and materialistic things like money, holidays, the latest tech gadgets, cars and houses, but quite often these become boring after a while, and there is always something newer and better around the corner. Therefore, we continue to buy yet another car, go on another holiday, or move houses to always have the latest and greatest items.

Removing these items from your brain for a second, consider what the most simple things in your life are that bring you satisfaction? 
I usually find it is the most simple things in life are the best. Okay, okay make fun of me and say, simple things amuse simple minds. Very funny.
However, it might be the simple recognised things in life that are the best. 

The other day I realised how much I enjoy Tuesdays. I drive to the office and park my car about 3 kilometres from the office and jump on my Micro Scooter and ride the rest of the way. This is a very simple and enjoyable moment that I recognise and love as I cruise to and from the office. So why do I enjoy this more than other more expensive and tangible things?


This is a piece of artwork my staff designed and framed for me (have a shot at me)

It is the sense of freedom, the release from everything else that matters and you are on the move to a destination that is enjoyable and mind clearing.

So here is the question, how do you turn your everyday or business journey into a free and enjoyable ride, with a clear destination?

Buy a Micro Scooter. No not really. 

We need to start recognising the small achievements in our day and take pleasure in them, and we need to allow time to be satisfied in our efforts through completion, personal growth and a sense control.

Quite often we feel out of control and don't have enough time in the day, however we really aren't out of control and we do have enough time in the day, it just takes a bit more effort to manage your time and organise yourself in a way that promotes efficiency. 

I hear of so many people who are earning over $500,000 p.a. and are just not happy. They speak about having no control, being frantically busy all the time and just not having time for themselves. This isn't fun for anyone.

We have completed hundreds of goals sessions and everyone one of our client's goals involve money and time. However, time becomes more important than money very quickly. How can you be satisfied if you feel like you don't complete any tasks and never have time to lift your head and look beyond whats right in front of you? "Bugger it, I'll just go get a job and work for someone else", is often the throw away line I hear. 

Screw that.

Time management is your answer  - when you structure your day, you create more time and satisfaction for yourself.  
Why? Because you set your goals and allocate the time to achieve tasks with no interruptions. 
You also don't have to stress and think about the day ahead and what needs to be done because you develop a routine that is easily followed. 
Why do you think people like Steve Jobs wore the same clothing every day? It is because it was a routine that allowed him to remove the unnecessary thinking that robbed him from being productive or innovative.
Have you set out your clear time management plan?

We are close to the end of the year, wouldn't it be nice to create a time management plan for you to implement in the new year?
Allocate time to create a more productive, enjoyable and less stressful 2019?

By the way, allocate some scooter time (small enjoyable things) in your day to give you a sense of freedom. It is a nice way to kickoff and end your day to help provide the barrier between work time and personal time. 

If you are struggling with how to create joy in your life or solve your time management issues, contact SEE Business Solutions to help you out.